18th Annual Symposium: "Nervous System Regeneration”

(28.05.2005) Symposium der European Society of Veterinary Neurology an der Tierärztliche Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität am 23. und 24. September 2005

Call for Abstracts

Presentations may relate to clinical and basic research in the field of veterinary neurology and neurological research.

The contents should meet the following criteria to be accepted: novel, important to the specific field, interesting to the other researchers, conclusive, understandable. Abstracts with regards to the topic of the meeting "Nervous System Regeneration” will be considered first. 

Platform presentations will be assigned 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion in general unless the committee and the presenting authors feel that the topic of the talk is related to the main topic of the meeting and should be outlined in more detail to the audience. If contributions outnumber the talks fitting the schedule a conversion of oral presentations in poster presentation can be offered to the authors.

Abstracts should be written according to current ACVIM guidelines (see Abstract format and Abstract submission form). Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

To make the proceedings as informative as possible for the participants the authors are encouraged to submit a more detailed outline covering up to three pages including tables, figures and references for publication in the proceedings.

Deadline for Abstract submission is July 15.

Program: 18th Annual Symposium: "Nervous System Regeneration”

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