Nominations Invited for 2022 WSAVA Awards

(07.02.2022) The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has launched its annual search for veterinarians and veterinary team members who are going the extra mile to advance the care of companion animals with the launch of its 2022 Awards.


Nominations are invited in the following categories:

  • The WSAVA Award for Companion Animal Welfare. This Award is presented to a veterinarian or veterinary team member in recognition of their contribution to companion animal welfare at a local, regional or international level.
  • The WSAVA Future Leader Award. This Award, kindly supported by the Purina Institute, acknowledges the work of a veterinarian, gradua
    ted within the last ten years, who has contributed significantly to the betterment of companion animals, the veterinary profession and society at large.
  • The WSAVA Award for Global Meritorious Service. This is awarded to a veterinarian who, in the opinion of the judges, has contributed meritorious service to the veterinary profession in the broadest sense.
  • The WSAVA Award for Scientific Achievement. This Award is presented annually to an individual judged to have made a significant contribution to the field of small animal medicine.
  • In addition, the WSAVA One Health Committee selects the recipient of the WSAVA One Health Award, which recognizes exemplary service by an individual in promoting the global One Health concept, particularly in relation to the importance of small companion animals.

All WSAVA Award recipients receive free registration and support with travel to and accommodation at WSAVA World Congress, which, this year, takes place in Lima, Peru, from October 29-31.

During WSAVA Congress, they will be presented with an engraved plaque. Recipients of the Scientific Achievement, Companion Animal Welfare, Future Leader and One Health Awards will also be invited to give an Award Winner Lecture during the Congress.

An explanation of the nomination process can be found on the WSAVA website at The deadline for nominations is March 18 2022.

Commenting on the launch of the Awards, the association’s President, Dr Siraya Chunekamrai said: “Our Awards recognize veterinary professionals from any background, generation or region of the world, who are creating positive change for companion animals and people.

“Every year, we are inspired afresh by the achievements and social impact of our Award recipients and they are a source of constant inspiration to our diverse and inclusive global veterinary community.Veterinary professionals have endured yet another year of additional pressures created by the global pandemic but we know that the dedication and commitment of our members will shine through yet again and we can’t wait to review nominations for the 2022 WSAVA Awards.”

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